Monday, August 6, 2012

Thoughts and stuff

I have been thinking about my situation.  I'm seriously considering opening my own business.  I have no clue as to what type of business I'm going to open but I thought maybe a craft store.  We don't have one in town and the closest one is in Elma.  I'm not sure that this town could support a craft store tho.  Michaels Crafts came in and went out within 5 years.  But Walmart had a huge hand in that.  They expanded their craft section when Michaels' came in and as soon as they left they decreased the size by more than 75%.

I want to stay as far away from technology as I can.  I'm burned out on computers.  I burned out on working on them. I'm burned out of dealing with their owners.  I want to get away from them.  I very rarely use one at home anymore.

Still deliberating.

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