Thursday, August 2, 2012

40 and no where to go

I turned 40 in November of last year.  I had always thought that by 40 I would have a list of accomplishments under my belt.  That is sooo not the case. 

I'm a computer technician and I teach part time for the local college.  I really enjoy the teachine and sincerely wish I could do that full time.  I'm a little burned out on the computer tech stuff and I absolutely H A T E customer service/retail.  I've been in retail since I was 16 and I just want out or at the very least I want out of an environment where all my hard work goes to make someone else more money that I get.  I don't think I would feel this way about retail if I were working for myself.

I'm SERIOUSLY considering a Career Change. 

A few of the things I'm good at:

     Crocheting (Hobby)

I have toyed with idea of starting my own Computer store but I'm not sure that I want to continue with computers solely. 

I'm so confused.  I guess this would be my equivalent to a Mid-Life Crisis.  I just want to go to bed and stay there for a week.

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